Basic PHP MYSQL Pagination

What is pagination?

If you have a form which allows the user to browse through the rows in a database table, what do you do if that table has hundreds or even thousands of rows? It would not be a good idea to show all those rows in a single form, instead you should split the database output into more manageable chunks or 'pages'. There are two things you must do:

1. Decide on the maximum number of database rows that can be included in each page. You may hard code this value, or (my preferred method) you can define it in a variable so that the value may be changed at runtime.
2. You then need to inform the user that other 'pages' are available and provide a mechanism whereby the user is able to select a different 'page' of details. I currently use a set of hyperlinks in a separate pagination area which looks like this:

Pagination Area

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